It’s been said, and I believe it, that some people will work harder for recognition than for money. These are the people that welcome competition and like to win. “Winning” could be a prize, a trophy, or just some praise from the boss. One of our goals with the Morning Report is to institutionalize recognition. We make certain that good performance is known by all, and it’s not uncommon to see the same names on the Stars Page day after day and month after month.
As a manager you owe it to yourself and your staff to determine what motivates each of your employees and press those hot buttons. If you are the employee, you owe it to yourself, your customers and your company to do your best. Think about what motivates you and be sure to put yourself in a position to get the motivation you need. And, if it turns out to be fear of loss, welcome the “heads up” and get going, you’ll be glad you did.
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