I am oftentimes introduced as a “trainer”, or “sales trainer” and I quickly deny that description of what I do.
Some people claim, “People are a part of the animal kingdom, if you can you train one, you should be able to train the other”. I can accept the “should be” part of that statement, but the reality is that there are some major differences between the human animal and the others.
A dolphin can be “taught” and then “trained” through repetition and reward to jump over a bar every time the whistle blows and the little stick is held out. The dolphin (or other animals) will do what they have been “trained” to do, regardless of their mood that day, the weather, or what the other animals are doing.
People can surely be taught to do something, however they may or may not do it depending entirely upon their mood that day, the weather, or what other people are doing.
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