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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Alba makes education for all one of her key goals

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Alba makes education for all one of her key goals

Jessica Alba is taking her role as the co-chairman of the United States division of 1Goal very seriously.

Last Friday, the American actress and new mother met Ms Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, to talk about the campaign and the importance of global education.

The 28-year-old, the star of movies Sin City and Fantastic Four, has become a strong advocate of 1Goal, which is trying to make education for all children a legacy of the football World Cup Finals in South Africa next year.

'It's a human right, I believe, to have the opportunity to have an education and it's unacceptable that 75 million children on this planet don't have a chance to have one,' she said recently.

'I played soccer when I was a kid and so did my husband. The wonderful thing about the 1Goal campaign being tied to the World Cup is it's the one time in the world when everyone puts down their differences, puts down their weapons, and roots for a team.'

Her husband Cash Warren, 30, is an American film producer.

World leaders and footballers have rallied behind the Fifa-initiated campaign.

Queen Rania of Jordan, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and South African President Jacob Zuma are among the group that will attempt to raise about US$7 billion (S$9.7 billion) needed to educate children in Africa and other countries.

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