Wayne Rooney scandal, day two: A day after Wayne Rooney was accused of cheating on pregnant wife Coleen Rooney with Jennifer Thompson, a high-priced prostitute, the British tabloids are going nuts and Rooney has apparently apologized to Coleen, though word is she’s leaning toward a divorce. Good for her.
The News of the World and Sunday Mirror both claim the English soccer star cheated on his wife seven times in fourth months. And this isn’t the first time he’s publicly humiliated the mother of his son.
Wayne Rooney cheated on Coleen Rooney, his childhood sweetheart, six years ago as well when he admitted to cheating on her with prostitutes. She eventually took him back.
This case immediately brings to mind echoes of Tiger Woods. You have a young athlete who appears to have it all – beautiful wife and family – throwing it away for some cheap thrills on the side.
What is wrong with these athletes? The tabs report that Rooney offered his wife a lukewarm apology but that she’s tossed him out of their house and plans to seek a divorce. Maybe she can talk to Elin Nordegren to get some advice on handling this with grace.
Meanwhile, English football fans are sure to link Rooney’s disappointing performance on the pitch this summer to this latest scandal – he was probably super distracted by covering it up.